Business Story

“Why a tree care business?”

People bring up this question all the time because they think I should get a “safer” job than one that requires flying across tree canopies, pushing my body to the limit, and using chainsaws while dangling on a rope 80 feet in the air.

Tree work, however, is a true calling of mine. I love going to work every day! The feeling that I get after pruning a tree is the same feeling an artist gets after painting a masterpiece. The feeling I get after removing a large tree wedged between two houses is probably similar to a rocket scientist watching their first rocket launch into space. I enjoy climbing and working in the trees so much that I could not imagine doing something else, even though it requires visits to the chiropractor much to often. It is a mental, physical, and artistic challenge all wrapped into one on a daily basis.

This business allows me to use my time and energy to help people make their trees more beautiful, their properties more aesthetically pleasing, as well as reducing potential hazards. So I guess the real question is, where in the world could I find a job that is better than this?